

5.00pm 5 December 2024


Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall



decision list



Part One





School Admission Arrangements 2026-27



Contact Officer:

Richard Barker

Tel: 01273 290732


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            Cabinet agrees to make no changes to the Council’s admission arrangements other than the proposed changes listed below.


2)            Cabinet agrees to consult upon a change to the Published Admission number (PAN) of Rudyard Kipling Primary School from 30 pupils to 45 pupils.


3)            Cabinet agrees to consult on making a change to the admission priorities for secondary schools to include a change in the application of a criteria for pupils with Free School Meals and the introduction of a criteria for pupils outside the catchment area. The application of the Free School Meals priorities should align with the intention of allowing additional access to pupils on Free School Meals where a school would otherwise not meet the city-wide average figure for their overall intake. The proposed admission arrangements are detailed below and in Appendix 5.


4)            Cabinet agrees to consult upon a change to the PAN of Longhill High School from 270 pupils to 210 pupils, Blatchington Mill School from 330 pupils to 300 pupils and Dorothy Stringer School from 330 pupils to 300 pupils. The proposed PANs are detailed below and in Appendix 1.


5)            Cabinet agrees to consult on making changes to the catchment area of Longhill High School and the catchment area of Dorothy Stringer and Varndean schools. The proposed admission arrangements are detailed below and in Appendix 5.


6)            Cabinet agrees to consult on increasing the number of preferences that families can make from three to four.


7)            Cabinet agrees to consult on the “relevant area” remaining the same. The “relevant area” is the area which describes the geographical area of consultation that any school proposing a change to admission arrangements must use. This is currently defined as the area within the city boundary.


8)            Cabinet agrees to make the changes to the wording of the admission arrangements for 2026/27 as advised by the Schools Adjudicator in recent written decisions, namely how a pupil’s main address is determined if they live at more than one address, how parents apply for admission out of the usual year group and updated notes and the definition of the random allocation process. These changes will ensure the requirements of the School Admissions Code are met. Admission arrangements are detailed in Appendix 5.


9)            Cabinet agrees to amend paragraph 5.9 to read:


5.9     The scheduling of public meetings will include:


·         Thursday 12 December – Online 10:00 – 11:30

·         Tuesday 7 January – In-person 18:00 – 19:30, Hove Town Hall (TBC)

·         Saturday 11 January – In-person 10:30 – 12:00, Jubilee Library

·         (TBC)


Further meetings will take place and the details for these will be available when the public consultation launches on 6 December 2024.







City Parks Service Standards 2025/26


Decision implemented at close of business on: 13 December 2024 unless called in



Contact Officer:

Robert Walker

Tel: 01273 294349


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           Cabinet approves the proposed interim approach to service standards for 2025/26 as set out in sections 3.15– 3.35, and supports the wider improvements as set out in sections 3.36-3.45.


2)           Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director- City Services to procure  the works referenced in sections 3.29-3.32 of the report where budget can be allocated from current core budgets.


3)           Cabinet notes the need for additional budget to deliver to the tree basal works, additional GIS mapping works and the development of a proactive communications campaign as referenced in sections 3.28, 3.42 and 4.3 of the report.


4)           Cabinet notes that a further report will be brought to Cabinet to outline the longer-term approach to Cityparks Vision and delivery in 2025.







Council Plan Performance Update



Contact Officer:

Rima Desai

Tel: 01273 291268


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           Cabinet notes the progress made in relation to delivering the Council Plan in 2024/25 as outlined in section 3 and with full details in appendix 1.


2)           Cabinet notes current strategic risks, tabled in section 4, which are managed in line with the Risk Management Framework (appendix 2). Full details of strategic risks are provided in appendix 3.







Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2023/24: Month 7 (October)


Decision implemented at close of business on: 13 December 2024 unless called in



Contact Officer:

Jeff Coates

Tel: 01273 292364


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)           Cabinet notes the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a potential forecast overspend risk of £6.808m.


2)           Cabinet notes the forecast outturn includes a forecast overspend risk of £1.735m on the NHS managed Section 75 services.


3)           Cabinet notes the forecast breakeven position for the separate Housing Revenue Account (HRA).


4)           Cabinet notes the forecast overspend risk for the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant, which is an overspend of £1.158m.


5)           Cabinet notes the forecast position on the Capital Programme which is an underspend variance of £1.296m.


6)           Cabinet approves the capital budget variations and re-profiling requests set out in Appendix 6.


7)           Cabinet notes the Treasury Management mid-year review 2024/25 as set out in Appendix 7.







Fair and Inclusive Update Including Pay Gap Reports



Contact Officer:

Kenneth Simpson

Tel: 01273 291355


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That Cabinet notes the report and progress made to date.


2)            That Cabinet agrees the data-driven approach to prioritise actions and allocate resource where there is greatest need, as set out in the report, for example, to improve the experiences of disabled staff and better understand the impacts of different intersecting identities.


3)            That Cabinet notes the proposal set out at paragraph 3.13 to explore the collation of socio-economic background data to provide further insight ahead of the government’s proposal to enact the socio-economic duty of Section 1 of the Equality Act 2010.


